
API - kivymd_extensions.filemanager.file_chooser_icon

class kivymd_extensions.filemanager.file_chooser_icon.CustomFileChooserIcon(**kwargs)

Base for implementing a FileChooser. Don’t use this class directly, but prefer using an implementation such as the FileChooser, FileChooserListView or FileChooserIconView.

on_entry_added: entry, parent

Fired when a root-level entry is added to the file list. If you return True from this event, the entry is not added to FileChooser.


Fired when the the entries list is cleared, usually when the root is refreshed.

on_subentry_to_entry: entry, parent

Fired when a sub-entry is added to an existing entry or when entries are removed from an entry e.g. when a node is closed.

on_submit: selection, touch

Fired when a file has been selected with a double-tap.


The size of the thumbnails.

thumbsize is an NumericProperty and defaults to dp(48).


Path to icon folder.

icon_folder is an StringProperty and defaults to ‘’.


Label color for file and directory names.

text_color is an ListProperty and defaults to [].


Method that returns the icon path for the file.

get_icon_file is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.


MDDesktopFileManager object.

manager is an ObjectProperty and defaults to None.

entry_released(self, entry, touch)

This method must be called by the template when an entry is touched by the user.